How to Set a GIF Background in Google Chrome

How to set a GIF background in Google Chrome? In this tutorial, I show you how to add a GIF as your background on the new tab page in the Google Chrome browser. This means you can have a live background in Google chrome with this GIF trick. This is a really fun way to customize your Chrome browser with your favorite GIF as the background on a PC, Mac, or Chromebook.

Set a GIF Background in Google Chrome (Video Tutorial):

Follow the steps below to Set a GIF Background in Google Chrome:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the GIF you want to download and use as your background in Chrome.
  3. Once the results are shown, select Tools just under the search bar.
  4. In the new menu that appears, select Type then GIF.
  5. Find and select the GIF you want as your Chrome background.
  6. In the GIF preview that appears, right click the GIF and select Save image as.
  7. Before selecting save, add .png to the end of the name of the gif. Save the GIF to your device.
  8. Open a new tab in Chrome.
  9. Select the pencil in the bottom right of the Chrome new tab page.
  10. In the customize this page menu under background select Upload from device.
  11. Select the GIF you downloaded from Google.

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